Rapid Prototyping (3D Printing) for Packaging

Posted by APC Packaging

A collection of techniques employed to build a physical part model using the 3D computer-aided design (CAD) is the name of rapid prototyping. Typically, one uses it to trial the efficiency of a part or product design before it gets manufactured in bulk. Meanwhile, additive layer manufacturing technology, popularly known as 3-D printing, is used to create prototypes.

Rapid Prototyping (3D Printing) for Packaging

What is a Rapid Prototype?

A prototype is an introductory model of a package or product. Before creating the final version, it helps demonstrate the concept to product designers, engineers, or other business professionals.

Essentially, a rapid prototype package is a packaging prototype that comes into existence swiftly and cost-effectively by dint of digital printing techniques.

A quick process of Rapid Prototyping for Packaging

  • The process begins with converting the drawings to 3D PDFs. You can pivot the image toward any direction and view it for any necessary changes before printing the 3D model. 

  • You can then print a physical model, which gives you a replica of your container so that you can test it from every viewpoint. 
  • For performance tests, you can then move on to prototype molds, which is a basic mold construction usually made from epoxy resins or light metal casting alloys.

Process of Rapid Prototyping (3D Printing) for Packaging

Elevation in the Cosmetics Packaging with 3D Printing

3D printing is on a discourse to shaking things up in the cosmetics industry. It gives an option to people linked with the cosmetics industry to become an opinion leader. The 3D digital model allows real-time data adaptation, along with facilitating rapid printing of physical prototypes. 

More so, it offers a more convenient and insightful way to prototype container validation. Its blend of technology, materials, and equipment gives cosmetic manufacturers conceptual models for product design or prototype verification. 

Why is Rapid Prototyping getting popular in the Cosmetics Industry?

Rapid prototyping verbalizes ideas.

There is little to no disagreement that physical models enable designers to effectively put the concepts in front of clients, colleagues, and collaborators. 

Examining the physical model is unequal to conceiving designs on the screen. Understandably, one can never get a real picture by seeing the model on the monitor. Thereby, it allows designers to convey ideas in a better way.

Rapid prototyping promotes actionable user feedback. It is fundamental for creators to learn user needs and then refine and enhance their designs.

Rapid prototyping saves cost and time.

Thankfully, expensive tooling and setup is no more a requirement after the advent of 3D printing. Rapid prototyping disposes of lead time and high costs linked with outsourcing. Isn't it something to celebrate? 

Rapid prototyping reduces design flaws.

Identifying and mending design flaws in early phases help a lot to companies. It frees them from expensive design revisions and tooling changes in the future. 

For engineers, thoroughly testing a prototype is possible using rapid prototyping. Along the same lines, it reduces the manufacturability concerns and risks of usability before moving into production.

Rapid prototyping allows iterative design.

More than one round of testing is a requirement for designing as it is always an iterative process.

One keeps on evaluating it and running for refinements before reaching a final product. With 3D printing, rapid prototyping offers the flexibility to build more realistic prototypes swiftly since it helps implement changes instantly.


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