Welcome to the Packaging Blog

Think of this place as a useful guide for anyone, from newcomers to the most experienced professionals, in the beauty packaging industry. Plus, it's written by some of the most experienced Plastics Engineers in the beauty industry. Check out some of our blog topics.
If you have any questions, have a suggestion for a future topic or if something here gave you an idea for your own packaging, feel free to reach out to our team of packaging experts.


What is Mono-Material Packaging in the Beauty Industry and why is it good for brands to pursue?

Mono-material packaging refers to a type of packaging that is made from a single material, such as plastic or glass, instead of a combination of different materials. In the beauty industry, mono-material packaging is becoming increasingly popular due to its environmental benefits.  

Read More What is Mono-Material Packaging in the Beauty Industry and why is it good for brands to pursue?

Is Ocean Bound Real?

Is Ocean Bound plastic even a real thing? We all know there is plastic waste in the ocean, and we all know it’s a problem. Collectively I am sure many who read this blog have heard the term used a time or two. So, what is Ocean Bound plastic and how do I know if the plastic used is really Ocean Bound?

Read More Is Ocean Bound Real?

Considerations for Designing a Cosmetic Packaging Container

Developing a cosmetic packaging container is a task affected by many factors. Allowing the bulk to filter out some packaging options is a great way and the first step in narrowing down the direction for a product.

Read More Considerations for Designing a Cosmetic Packaging Container

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